Peace Lily


Peace Lily


From the Hush Harbor Series.

During antebellum America, a hush harbor was a place where enslaved Africans would gather in secret to practice religious traditions.

The hush harbors served as the location where the enslaved could combine their African religious traditions with Christianity. It was safe to freely blend the components of each religion in these meetings. The Africans could let go of all their hardships and express their emotions. Here is where spirituals originated. The songs created by slaves to contain a double meaning, revealing the ideas of religious salvation and freedom from slavery. The meetings would also include practices such as dance. African shouts and rhythms were also included.

The enslaved Africans would suffer severe punishments had they been caught in a hush harbor meeting. Slave owners were confident that they would compare treatment, working conditions, and punishments, leaving them worried about revolts and riots. The most common price would be a whipping. African American churches taught that all people were equal in God's eyes and viewed the doctrine of obedience to one's master taught in white churches as hypocritical. Instead the African American church focused on the message of equality and hopes for a better future.

~ Jolivette Anderson-Douoning


Robert Peppers


stained glass (material)


mixed media


Athens, Ohio


Peace Lily.jpg


Robert Peppers, “Peace Lily,” Black Cultural Center Virtual Museum, accessed April 28, 2024,